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Who watches the watchers?
[01/2020] - PyDog4Apache v0.2 has been released... | mirror
PyDog4Apache - is an Apache web logs sneaker.
With this tool you can search for specific KEYWORDS (such as: government, police, university, federal...) on the WHOIS description of the IPs of your website visitors by -automagically- analyzing apache logs provided (you can set folders of logs to -sneak- massively all your projects).
Also you can generate a report with results or send them to a list of email recipients like an alert.
- PyDog4Apache-v0.2 (.zip) - (md5:33a91d235393e1b60d336b9e279ed863) - torrent
- PyDog4Apacher-v0.2 (.tar.gz) - (md5:e29b84f9700f6b7de6ecfce914751459) - torrent
PyDog4Apache runs on many platforms. It requires Python (3.x.y) and the following libraries:
- python3-pip - Python package installer.
- ipwhois (0.10.3) - Retrieve and parse whois data for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
On Debian-based systems (ex: Ubuntu), run:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip && sudo pip3 install ipwhois
sudo apt-get install python3-pip && pip3 install ipwhois==0.10.3 --user
Source libs:
* Pypi-ipwhois: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ipwhois/
Usage: pydog4apache.py [options]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --update check for latest stable version
-v, --verbose active verbose output
-r FILE generate file with results (ex: -r 'visitants.txt')
-n EMAILS notify via email (foo@email.net,bar@email.org,...)
python3 pydog4apache -v
*Generate report file:
python3 pydog4apache -r 'visitants.txt'
*Notify results via email to some recipients (separated by comma):
python3 pydog4apache -n='root@localhost,foo@email.org,bar@email.net'
*Combine options:
python3 pydog4apache -v -r 'visitants.txt' -n 'epsylon@riseup.net'
*Launch it as daemon (notify via email when finish):
python3 pydog4apache -n 'epsylon@riseup.net' &
- PyDog4Apache is free software, and may be redistributed under GPL v3.
If you want to contribute to PyDog4Apache development, reporting a bug,
providing a patch, commenting on the code base or simply need to find help
to run it, please drop me an e-mail.
To make donations use the following hash:
- Bitcoin: 19aXfJtoYJUoXEZtjNwsah2JKN9CK5Pcjw